1)[外来で]<in an outpatient setting>で表現
Doses were given on day 1 of each 21 day cycle and infused over 30 min in an outpatient setting.
Doses were given on day 1 of each 21 day cycle and infused over 30 min
2)[21日を1サイクルとして]<on day 1 of each 21 day cycle>で表現
3)[その結果]<~, subsequently inducing>で表現
Binding of MMAE to tubulin disrupts the microtubule network within the cell, subsequently inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptotic death of the cell.
4)[ので]<~and thus~>で表現
Patients enrolled in early clinical studies of BV typically had normal hepatic and renal function and thus did not provide adequate information on the pharmacokinetic differences that might arise with hepatic or renal impairment.
5)[が原因かもしれない]<may be attributable to~>で表現
Poor individual adverse event outcomes observed in some patients may be attributable to comorbidities and poor performance status at baseline.
Treatment-naive patients with hepatic impairment also were eligible if they were unable to tolerate intensive regimens.
No consistent pattern of specific adverse events was evident.
8)[とは無関係の]<unrelated to>で表現
Five patients died due to adverse events considered unrelated to BV.
9)[~の特徴は~で調査した]<be characterized by >で表現
The pharmacokinetics of BV have been characterized by monitoring serum concentrations of total antibody and ADC and plasma concentrations of released MMAE.
10)[用量に比例して]<dose proportional>で表現
The exposures of all three analytes were approximately dose proportional in the therapeutic dose range.