1) Glycemic control remains a challenge in type 1 diabetes and is associated with~
「大きな問題だ」を「remains a challenge」と表現。
2) Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions especially in the US.
「reach epidemic proportions」で「大流行する」の意味。
3) Subjects were asked to refrain from~
「被験者には~を控えてもらった」「were asked to~」は頻出。
4) Difference between our data and that of previous reports could be explained by factors that~
「~という要因があったためと考えられる」を「could be explained by」で表現。
5) Previous studies enrolled younger subjects with learner BMI~
6) We acknowledge the study has limitations.
7) Walking energy expenditure is expressed corrected for body weight.
「~は体重に合わせて補正した」を「corrected for」を使う。
8) Each activity required the participants to walk at 2.0 kmph for 30 min followed by 25 min of sitting still, totaling 6.0 to 6.5 kms walked during a 24-h
「被験者は各運動で1時間に2.0kmの速度で30分間歩き、その後25分間の休憩をとり、24時間で延べ6.0kmから6.5km歩いた」「totaling」「walked」の発想がナイス。「each activity」が主語であることもナイス。
9) Rehabilitation with moderate PA has been shown to improve~
「~は~を改善することが分かっている」を「has been shown to improve」で表現。
10) ~, whereas it was 9.5 mmol/L/270 min~