高信号腫瘤 a high signal intensity mass
低信号腫瘤 a low signal intensity mass
辺縁平滑な等濃度の腫瘤 a smooth-marginated, isodense mass
境界不明瞭な ill-defined, poorly-marginated
境界明瞭の分葉状の腫瘤 a well-circumscribed, lobulated mass
辺縁平滑な分葉状の高濃度腫瘤 a smooth-marginated, lobulated, high-density mass
の疑いで経過観察となった As she was suspected with~, she was kept under observation
変性 degeneration
濃染は増強 enhanced further in the later stage
強い早期濃染を showed intense early enhancement
内部変性 internal degeneration was found
葉状腫瘍 phyllodes tumor
~ was diagnosed ~ with degree of malignancy ranging from benign to borderline
悪性所見なし but no malignant findings were observed
異常を指摘され was found to have an abnormality
平滑〜微細分葉 The peripheral area of ~ was smooth or finely-lobulated.
領域の腫瘤は⾼信号を示し The mass in the ~ region shows high signal intensity
早期濃染を示した showed early enhancement
不均一な inhomogeneous
後期でさらに濃染は増強 enhanced further in the later phase
後期濃染は増強 The degree of enhancement becomes stronger in the late phase
境界悪性 borderline malignant
断端陽性である have a positive margin
T2強調画像での高信号や拡散強調での高信号が強いshows higher degree of signal intensity on T2-weighted images and on diffusion-weighted images
T1強調画像で低信号の腫瘤が見つかったT1-weighted image showed a mass with low signal intensity~ is seen on T1-weighted images
T1強調画像で低信号が、T2強調画像で高信号がみられるLow signal intensity is seen on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-weighted images.
~疑いと診断された The patient was diagnosed with suspected “suspicious ~”
乳腺部分切除術 partial mammectomy
骨軟骨化症 osteomalacia
A 43-year-old woman presented with a palpable hard mass in the left breast.
Physical examination revealed a 1.0×0.8 cm, nontender, and firm ovoid mass.
A mammogram revealed a focal asymmetric density in the left breast that was suspected of being a carcinoma.
Ultrasonography of the left breast showed a 12.0×7.5×6.5 mm, poorly defined hypoechoic mass with irregular margins and posterior acoustic shadowing.
Fine-needle aspiration cytology revealed benign cells.
We performed a mammotome probe to make a definite diagnosis, which showed tubular carcinoma.
The patient underwent breast conservation surgery (Bp+Ax).
The histopathologic examination revealed well-differentiated tubular carcinoma.
経過観察となった receive a follow-up examination; ~ was kept (put) under follow-up
内外斜位方向 MLO (medio-lateral oblique)
右MLO Right MLO view, MLO imaging
等信号を示す ~ show isodense signal intensity
腫瘤はwashoutした The tumor showed an early washout pattern
乳癌疑いで for a suspected breast tumor
病理組織学的には Histopathologically, the tumor proved to be a ~
the possibility of phyllodes tumor cannot be completely excluded
Although the patient was diagnosed with mastopathy by needle biopsy, lumpectomy was performed because the possibility of phyllodes tumor could not be denied based on the the image.
造影CTで均一に軽度濃染される充実性の腫瘤を認めたContrast-enhanced CT scan showed the well-defined solid mass with slight enhancement.During surgery a yellowish, multinodular and thinly encapsulated
mass was found beneath the par.
早期に辺縁部が濃染し early enhancement in the peripheral area
最終病理診断は ~ in the final pathological diagnosis.
MRIはT1強調像でlow intensity, T2強調像でhigh intensityを呈し,MRCPでややhigh intensityに描出されたWith MRI T1-weighted images, there was appearance at low intensity, and with T2-weighted images, there
was appearance at high intensity.
最終病理診断は,著明な粘液結節の形成と,粘液を多量に含有する膵粘液癌であったIn the final pathological diagnosis, there was prominent formation of mucinous nodules, and mucinous carcinoma including large quantity of
徐々に中心部に濃染が広がる progressive enhancement toward the center
細胞診を施行したが~に至らず Aspiration cytology failed to
淡い高信号 faint high signal intensity
の可能性を否定できなかった the chance of developing ~ was undeniable
乳頭側 papillary side
辺縁高信号中心低信号 T2 weighted images are peripherally high and centrally low signal intensity
点状 punctate
多形性 pleomorphic
不定形 amorphous
瀰漫・拡散した diffuse
斑状、まばらな On contrast-enhanced images, patchy heterogeneous enhancement was observed.
混在して being intermingled with; with a mixture of
早期濃染し後期でwashoutした The mass was enhanced in the early phase and washed out in the late phase.
早期濃染→washoutのパターンを示した showed a pattern of early enhancement and washout
疑いの結果であった The patient was diagnosed with suspected~
と診断された ~, which led to the diagnosis of
~領域から~領域 in the left margin to collapse the region
in the left T4 to T12 region
in the left paracentral to lateral region extending
などの形状 (i.e., ring-like, tubular, or nodular in shapes)
悪性所見は認められなかった No malignant findings were observed
辺縁は微細分葉状で The margins of the mass are micro-lobulated.
辺縁微細鋸歯状 The margins of the mass are micro-serrated
辺縁部 in the peripheral region, in the marginal region
広がり診断 diagnosis of tumor extension
周囲への進展 No findings of progression in the surrounding areas were observed.
の範囲に広がる extending in the range of
病理では Pathological findings revealed that~